Speaker Instructions

Welcome to the AMPLFY tribe! 

Below are the instructions to build your very own portable Bluetooth speaker. As a member of our Tribe, we realise in order to create the best portable speakers, we need you’re feedback.

If you have any tips, or suggestions about how to improve the speakers, please share by posting in the comments, or on our Facebook group. (Coming Soon: Like our Facebook to keep updated)

If there is anything you don’t understand, or if you are having problems assembling your speaker, either email Bradley@amplfy.com.au, or post a question in the comments sections.

It is our guarantee that every speaker kit sold ends up in a fully functioning speaker.  


The Basics

Before you get started here is a quick overview of all things you need to know about Electronics and Audio Systems.


Speaker Build 2025

For speakers purchased in 2025 and beyond, we have upgraded our design for easier assembly, improved the battery with a higher voltage, and made the cells easier to replace—ensuring your speaker lasts even longer.


Speaker Build 2021

This video was published on the 24th of June for kits sold after this date. This speaker kit includes the Black Bluetooth amplifier board. Follow these instructions to learn how to assemble the most recent AMPLFY speaker kit.


Speaker Power Wiring Diagram (update)

For speakers purchased after June 24th 2021, use this wiring diagram to build your speaker kit.

Download Image

The Battery.png

The Battery 2021

All batteries now include a blue step down charging chip. All of the settings have been pre-set (prior to shipment). This controls the current of the battery, and allows us to use better quality chargers, which help maintain the life of the battery.

All batteries come completely assembled, all you need to do is screw the DC socket cable from the battery into the hole on the Ammo Box.

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Speaker Build Video

Watch this video in combination with the Cheat Sheet, to learn how to put the speaker together.


Cheat Sheet (2018 - 2020)

For speakers purchased in 2018, we have upgraded and updated the speaker and the instructions. 

Have a look through this guide for a basic overview of where each wire goes. 


What's in the kit?

Not sure what each component does? Make sure you check out this list, to find out the purpose of each components


Prepping the Ammo Box

If you bought your kit, without the box pre-cut, make sure you check out this section to find out what you need to line the box with to achieve the best quality sound.


Stencil the Ammo Box

If you bought your kit, without the box pre-cut, make sure you check out this section to find out what you need to line the box with to achieve the best quality sound.


Cut out the holes

If you purchased a kit, without the box pre-cut, check out this section to find out how to stencil the box to fit in each component. 


Step One: Wiring the fuse to the switch

Wiring the fuse to the switch; in this section we discuss the purpose of the fuse, and how to wire it into your system to avoid damaging components.


Step Two: Wiring the audio signal cables

In this step, we detail how to wire the amplifier, to the LED Bluetooth decoder board.


Step Three: Mounting the Components

Now that you have wired the fuse, and the audio signal cables, it’s time to mount the components.


Step Four: Wiring schematic

The most important step, make sure you follow this down to the wire to make sure your speakers work perfectly! In this step we detail each wire, it’s purpose and where it is wired too.


Step Five: Wiring the speakers to the amplifier

In this step we wire the Amplifier to the Speaker Drivers.


Using your Speaker

Now that your speaker is completely wired, here’s how to use it.